a little history
As an all-volunteer organization founded in 2006, Velocipede relies on our community to help our community. Most volunteers also use the shop and purchase parts. Some even decide to apply to become Collective Members, who form the governing body of Velocipede.
The details
We have volunteer opportunities assisting during Open Shop (customer facing - signing people in, finding parts and conducting sales, assisting the mechanic) or refurbishing bikes for sale (our primary means of fundraising). As shop staff you will learn the ins and outs of the shop by working alongside another staff member.
In an attempt to keep our staff and patrons safe during the pandemic, we are requiring our volunteers/staff to show proof of vaccination on their first visit.
Volunteers who staff at least two, 4 hour sessions a month have access to Open Shop for free and receive 20% off new parts.
Volunteer Ride to Cylburn Arboretum, 2019
ready to volunteer?
Great! Please email our volunteer coordinator to attend the next volunteer orientation. Take a look at the the Shop Rules, and bring a photo ID and proof of vaccination to help us fill out your Patron Card.